Delete the extra programs

From cod3v
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English • ‎suomi


Your program is difficult to find and run on the robot, if there is a lot of old and unused programs. You should name the programs rationally, and delete the old programs.


Every Mindstorms robot will work. Without robot it will not work.


No sensors are used.

Example Videos


The available memory of Mindstorms Ev3 is big, and thus it is very likely to lost your code somewhere---or to run a wrong code in an important event. Extra codes should be deleted. Also, a good naming convention should be used---and preferably version control.

Example Code

The the Memory Browser from the Tools menu.

The memory browser.


  • Delete all files from the robot.

This course is supported by Meet and Code. The course is made in collaboration with Robotiikka- ja tiedekasvatus ry.


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