Meet and Code 2021 II: Python Drone DJI Tello

From cod3v

The online course on DJI Tello drone programming. The online platform is Discord.


The very basics of Python packages that can be used to program Tello. Some very elementary ideas.


After the course the student


  • knows how to takeoff, land, drive, steer and do the other maneuvers provided by the package.

To Whom

The course is designed for all, students, pupils and teachers who are interested in Mindstorms programming, or are willing to teach programming. The course is virtual, online at given time and date. All the material will stay here and in Discord until removed.

The instructors

The course is held in Finnish, though English guidance is possible. The instructor is Markku Leino.

This course is supported by Meet and Code. The course is made in collaboration with Robotiikka- ja tiedekasvatus ry.