Water molecule bond length

From cod3v


Classical Mechanics

Newton Equations

where . The system is 1D, thus gradient will be differential, and .

The mass should be the reduced mass of the oxygen--hydrogen system, but we use mass here.

Potential Function

Lennard--Jones potential with dimensionless parameters for TIPS model:

where the distance is given in Ångstroms.


The finite differences (Euler method) are


Velocity Verlet Algorithm

A very good and easy to implement integration method is velocity Verlet:

where is given at Section . . .

Temperature/ Initial distribution

The initial velocity of the hydrogen atom is chosen randomly from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at given temperature

The mean speed (for 3d?) is

where is Boltzmann constant, here .



1D statement


D.T.W. Lin and C.-K. Chen: A molecular dynamics simulation of TIP4P and Lennard-Jones water in nanochannel, acta Mechanica 173, 181.194 (2004).